Rear bench seat power to lose weight
No one likes rules and restrictions, more in power. According to statistics, 90% percent began following one or another diet sooner or later she refuses to reveal-if at the initial level. Rear-seat power for weight loss is different diets that almost doesn't need to change himself, to overcome every day, the willpower of artificial appointment.
Lack the psychological discomfort, normalizes the metabolism, one of the most common causes of excess body weight. The menu of separate power supply, which is different from diversity and not however fun. Thus, this method correct energy can turn into permanent and will never land on a diet.
Why is it important to eat properly so that you do not have to lose weight

As a general rule, under the word diet is understood to otherwise limit the usual feed, although in Greek the word means "power mode", there are certain rules of food consumption.
If you follow the diet that limits the entry of substances needed, hard disks, and commitment devices sooner or later will do in the body of a failure due to a change in the functioning of the organs and systems.
It is important to understand that no diet can not cope with the fullness. To lose weight is required the team to efficiently work all over the body. To achieve positive result helps to obedience to the principles of food combining. It's easy to join along of all life.
Excess weight, often due to the lack of habits of good nutrition, lessons from childhood. The use of significant quantities of products made with modern technologies, unfavorable environment create a set of pre-requirements for the changes within the body, cause various diseases and genetic mutations transmitted by inheritance.
To the accumulation of extra pounds affects the violation of the speed of the metabolism, the life-style. It is no secret that many modern inhabitants lack of training of motor activity, excessive physical labor at work does not count. The accumulation of excess pounds calls the habit of, in case of bad mood or depression to take the stress of a meal.
The human body is organized in such a way that, when it is essential to limit the intake of food during the diet fat cells spend extremely efficient. Women stocks of accumulated fat in missing and 9 months, therefore, more difficult to normalize the weight of the body.
In addition, during the "strict" diet produces enzymes, facilitating the accumulation of fat. So, after your cessation, even when you are without calories, the body continues to create the inventory in the box next to "hunger".
Following the principles of food combining, it is possible to in a natural way to lose weight without resorting to various forms of artificially normalize the weight of the body.
The correct use of power
The idea of food combining is not new, but the details the more she examined and analyzed the Herbert Shelton, in his book "the Right combination of foods", published in 1971. The author, doctor of medicine, pediatrics, philosophy, philology, and other sciences, belongs to the order of 40 scientific papers.
In 1928, clinic, and School health doctor Shelton" cured a variety of serious diseases, the correct consumption of products, the fasting, as well as the physical exercise, the influence of the fresh air, sunshine, clean water, proper rest, sleep, hygiene, and control over our emotions. G. Shelton died at the age of 100 years.
The principles of food combining, distributed not only about the compatibility or non-compatibility of individual dishes, but also about the philosophy of food. It turns out that the use of consume more correct of food is small, if you eat your troubled state, or of another disease.
The rules of power are not rigorous. The author, probably, provides a specific approach to the consumption of certain products according to the compatibility table. The arguments arguments and based on observations of psychologists, nutritionists, and other professionals.
The principles of food combining for health and weight loss
When the power supply according to the traditional menu in the stomach and dumps the mixture in the food. Each type requires its processing and assimilation. Many times, the processes compete among themselves, mutually impede and interfere with each other rework used them a variety of food, create a greater load on the organs of the digestive system.
The necessary chemicals for the division of carbohydrate, does not act on the protein, and vice-versa. For starch digestion, the most common carbohydrate, it is necessary to slightly alkaline Wednesday. The acid environment of carbohydrates cause fermentation, and the formation of gases. In turn, the protein is digested acid environment of the stomach.
When we drink a single product, for example, bread contains as part of carbohydrates and protein, the body can adapt, highlighting for the digestion of carbohydrates almost neutral gastric juice. Through a due course of time, the acidity of the juice of increase for the division is contained in the bread for protein.
If the carbs and protein come with a variety of products (meat with potatoes), the body releases the acid of the juice, it does not allow absorbed carbohydrates.
As is well known, the saliva gives alkaline reaction and, therefore, the division of carbohydrates begins in the mouth. But the alkali is neutralized even weak acids. Therefore, correctly the first to eat meat and carbohydrates.
The menu of separate power supply involves the use of plates of carbs and protein over several hours between meals.
How to correctly combine the products with the diet of hay

In each product, a combination of carbohydrates, proteins, fats. In the diet of hay-los considered to be a particular group:
- Proteins are rich in meat products. the fish. the cheese. cereals. legumes. nuts .
- In the form of starch and carbohydrates, see in the field of rye. wheat. potatoes. The starch are also high in peas. zucchini. pumpkin. Less starch in sugar beet. cabbage. the carrot. Very little green vegetables: celery. cabbage. beet leaves. turnips. pumpkin. cucumbers. parsley. garlic. peas. radish .
- Carbohydrates in the form of a lot of sugar in honey. the sugar sand. sweet fruits – banana. izyum. apricots. khaki. pera .
- In the olive oil. sunflower. corn. creamy. nut oil rich in fats. The same amount of fat. meat fatty acids of strains, fatty fish. nuts .
- Fruit acids presented oranges. apples. lemons. the grapes. exchanges-acid varieties, as well as vegetable sauerkraut .
- No fruit acids are considered to be candy apples. peaches. pear. apricots. plum. the blueberry .
When composing the menu of separate power supply for the slimming it is necessary to consider the incompatibility of some varieties of protein. You can consume some types of nuts, but it's not worth to mix protein from different products. For example, a protein found in meat requires an acid environment, initially, the digestion, the protein of the cheese – on your end.
It's not worth to "help" the digestion of protein, meat intake of food with the lemon juice, vinegar, fruit acids. The acid reduces the allocation of the gastric juice, causing digestion of the meat is delayed. Cheeses or nuts, due to the high content of fats inhibit the allocation of juice in the stomach, which allows them to avoid decay, and sooner or later, come to be recycled.
Protein-rich foods are compatible with vegetables, green leafy vegetables, where there is virtually no starch: fresh greens, beans, sweet varieties of zucchini and pumpkin, celery, cucumber, radish, parsley, lettuce.
The fatty acids dishes will slow the selection of the gastric juice, so it is not worthwhile to consume protein with propranolol. Otherwise, the protein metabolized not fully. Action fat resolve the problem of the consumption of vegetables, green vegetables. Salads are not worth filling up the tank of vegetable oil.
Usually, when a diet of hay becomes unnecessary any oil, which is important for weight loss. Oil is not food, and the seasoning. If something does not feel like eating without oil, the body, this plate is not necessary.
Sugar are not compatible with the protein food because they are digested in the intestine. Persistent in the stomach, where it is hot and humid, the sugar causes fermentation and formation of gas.
Sweet food is also not worth eating with the carbs. It is acceptable for a combination of oil and bread, but no jelly or jam. It's not worth to combine a reception of honey and cakes.
Mammals, unlike adults who drink milk in childhood. In the stomach, she doubles up and becomes curd, engaging in other foods and thereby preventing the processed. The milk is the best for drinking, separate from yourself. Even combined with cereals use of it is small.
It is best to avoid the desserts, and this rule is important not only for weight loss. When the diet of hay as a separate dish cakes, sweet fruit, well-digested. In conjunction with other products of digestion significantly worse.
Eat fruits, especially watermelons and melons, need separately from other products, to use them as a separate dish and considered a "gift" that the meal. Fruit evil combined with carbohydrates, proteins, because they are digested in the intestine. The presence of other products, calls them late in the stomach and rapid fermentation.
Rear seat power helps to lose weight, since it prevents the formation in the walls of the bowel rotting of protein. It is believed that this phenomenon is inherent to the civilized man, and with it the body I learned a lot dealing with.
In reality, the products rot — carbon dioxide. acetic acid. the alcohol found in the blood, causing atherosclerosis of the blood vessels. wear and tear and prematurely age the body.
The body is forced to expend energy in the neutralization, instead of fighting with fat mass, improve well-being.
Table of compatibility of products
When composing the menu of separate power supply for the weight loss pick products that are compatible with the help of a table. Each variety of products are assigned numbers. For example, cheese, assigned no. 14, this number can be found on the respective rows and columns.
Obviously, when the verification of the compatibility of cheese(14), with sweet fruit(9) is indifferent to the order of to run a check: cheese with fresh fruit or, vice-versa, sweet fruit with cream cheese. The result in both cases happens the same.
To avoid duplication of data in the table is shown the result of the compatibility of a combination of products. This explains your "triangular".

For example, it is necessary to check the compatibility of fruit candies (9) and the cheese (14). Looking at the sequence table (9), the corresponding fresh fruit. But she ends up in column 8 and in column (14), corresponding to cheese, there is nothing! How to be?
Means, you need to check the backward compatibility of the combination, namely, cheese (14), and fruit candies (9). In line 14, corresponding to the cheese, it contains the cell in column 9, the corresponding fresh fruit.
The red cell. Means, cheese and sweet fruit, when the diet of hay are not compatible and, therefore, these products are not worth eating at the same time.
For the rear-seat meals will help you lose weight
The principles of range the correct power is difficult to be called a diet. On the contrary, it is a little bit different, "the" separates " approach to the consumption of products, based on the consideration of characteristics of processes of the cleavage of proteins and carbohydrates.
Separate the way of feeding practiced in the animal world. But only man has learned to expose the natural products, thermal processing, has become its cooking, frying, baking. To get original taste buds mix in different combinations, elaborate, sophisticated menu, and then complain in the fullness, shortness of breath, the need to lose weight, high blood pressure and is not important for well-being.
Part of the mixed food is not digested, it rots, the products of decomposition are found in the adipose tissue. The result is that look for one or another weight loss method, although very easy, does not tolerate the mixture of several products, using them individually.
Size of the dose in the menu of weight loss may be arbitrary. The main criterion own sensations. If the table is taken up with a slight feeling of hunger, that after fifteen minutes pass, then, the portion selected is true. If there is still want, you need the following trick to increase the size of the portions of about 10 to 15 percent.
Very soon will understand the valid needs of the body. To find out exactly what, in what quantities and with what frequency you need to eat to not feel the discomfort and simultaneously lose weight.
Not worth eating at a certain time, it is much more important that you wait for the feeling that the body was hungry. Then the food metabolized more complete and with pleasure. Some will go for two nutrition. In force or other reasons, could not eat or simply had no appetite, do not worry. The body will still take her in the other day, this is a sign of health.
Gradually, it will imposed on modern information Matrix perception about the taste of the products. It is worth to give up tea, coffee, cocoa, chocolate, all kinds of artificial juices, sweets, canned products. This helps bring back the body to the ability to receive pleasure from the taste and the natural flavor of the food.
Appear the power of self-healing, normalizes the activity of the digestive system. The food will make absorption more complete and with less energy, the intestinal microflora will be more vitamins, will prevail the work of the immune system, it is normal that the mass of the body, not occurs of putrefaction in the large intestine.
The proper nutrition, allows you to not only lose weight but also become healthy, to overcome depression and stress.